@article{oai:ismrepo.ism.ac.jp:00033986, author = {竹村, 彰通 and 和泉, 志津恵 and 齋藤, 邦彦 and 姫野, 哲人 and 松井, 秀俊 and 伊達, 平和 and Takemura, Akimichi and Izumi, Shizue and Saito, Kunihiko and Himeno, Tetsuto and Matsui, \nHidetoshi and Date, Heiwa}, issue = {1}, journal = {統計数理, Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, month = {Jun}, note = {要旨あり 統計教育の新展開 総合報告}, pages = {63--78}, title = {データサイエンス教育の滋賀大学モデル}, volume = {66}, year = {2018} }