@article{oai:ismrepo.ism.ac.jp:00033985, author = {田中, 司朗 and 相田, 麗 and 今井, 匠 and 廣田, 誠子 and 森田, 智視 and 濱﨑, 俊光 and 佐藤, 俊哉 and Tanaka, Shiro and Aida, Rei and Imai, Takumi and Hirota, Seiko and Morita, Satoshi and Hamasaki, Toshimitsu and Sato, Tosiya}, issue = {1}, journal = {統計数理, Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, month = {Jun}, note = {要旨あり 統計教育の新展開 総合報告}, pages = {49--62}, title = {臨床統計家育成の諸問題}, volume = {66}, year = {2018} }