@article{oai:ismrepo.ism.ac.jp:00032751, author = {冨田, 哲治 and 佐藤, 健一 and 中山, 晃志 and 片野田, 耕太 and 祖父江, 友孝 and 大瀧, 慈 and Tonda, Tetsuji and Satoh, Kenichi and Nakayama, Teruyuki and Katanoda, Kota and Sobue, Tomotaka and Ohtaki, Megu}, issue = {2}, journal = {統計数理, Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, month = {Dec}, note = {要旨あり, がん統計データおよびその解析, 研究ノート}, pages = {205--215}, title = {変化係数を用いたがん死亡危険度の年次変動要因の推測}, volume = {59}, year = {2011} }