ARdock package Latest news: 2. ardock.F version v.1 is replaced by version v.2. Related patch files ardock.0-2.patch and ardock.1-2.patch are added. Those who has old versions can update his/hers by applying the ardock.0-2.patch to the original ardock.F or ardock.1-2.patch to the version v.1 obtained by applying ardock.0-1.patch to the original ardock.F (2000.11.21 M. Ishiguro) 1. ardock.F is replaced by a revised version. Related patch file ardock.0-1.patch file is added. This revision is to remove a bug. Read first parts of ardock.F and ardock.0-1.patch for the detail. Those who has the original version can update his/hers using the patch file. (2000.11.10 M. Ishiguro) ------------------ There are 11 files in this directory including this README. M. Ishiguro/ 2000.11.21 file & contents README & Latest announcement ardock.F & main program and subroutines, version v.2 ardock.env & common setting sample.dat & sample data ardock.dvi & dvi file of the Computer Science Monograph(CSM) ardock.pdf & pdf file of the Computer Science Monograph(CSM) Makefile & A prototype 'makefile' for Unix environment TUTORIAL.TXT & See Section 5.4.6 of CSM ardock.1-2.patch & to update version v.1 to version v.2 ardock.0-2.patch & to update the original version to version v.2 ardock.0-1.patch & to update the original version to version v.1 ---------------------------------------------- [Compilation] The object file is obtained by the following procedure: 1. If necessary, set appropriate values to parameters summarized in the following Tables 4a, 4b and 4c. 2. Define appropriate parameters for C pre-processor summarized in Table 4d. 3. Apply C pre-processor. 4. Compile by a FORTRAN compiler * In Unix environment, Steps 3 and 4 are performed by simply executing make command, in the directry where three files 'ardock.F', 'ardock.env' and 'Makefile' are placed. Then you will get the executable file ardock. [Test run of ardock] Execute ardock command, in the directry where three files 'ardock', 'sample.dat' and 'TUTORIAL.TXT'. Table 4a. Parameters of ardock.F ---------------------------------------------------------------------- parameter& standard setting & meaning ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXN & 2000 & maximum data length MAXCH & 10 & maximum number of channels MAXF & 80 & frequency domain grid count MAXLAG & 20 & maximum AR model order MAXPAR & 200 & maximum number of free parameters of a model ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * First sixteen lines of ardock.F #define ARDOCKLINK c#define MPI c#define QMPIFH c#define MODIFIER "MODIFIER" #define MAXN 2000 #define MAXCH 10 #define MAXF 80 #define MAXLAG 30 #define MAXPAR 200 #define IOUNIT 18 #define KEEPUNIT 99 #define TUTUNIT 98 #define BUGLOG 91 #define BUGMAP 92 Table 4b. Parameters in ardock.env ----------------------------------------------------------------- parameter& standard setting & meaning ----------------------------------------------------------------- MPIPROCS & 1 & number of parallel processors NWORK & 1000000 & size of real type work area IWORK & 10000 & size of integer type work area ----------------------------------------------------------------- * ardock.env parameter (mpiprocs = 1) dimension mPIL ( MPIPROCS ) , mPIB ( MPIPROCS ) common /commpi/ iNFO , mYID , nPROCS , mPI , mPIL , mPIB parameter (nwork=1000000,iwork=10000) eal*8 wK ( NWORK ) integer iWK ( IWORK ) common /comwork/ wK , iWK , limflag * Work areas necessary for the execution of subroutines are taken in the common work areas wk and iwk. * If user's computer is a parallel machine, set 'mpiprocs' value appropriately. Table 4c. I/O unit number assignment ----------------------------------------------------------------- parameter& standard setting & related file(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------- IOUNIT & 18 & data file, AR file etc. KEEPUNIT & 99 & @KEEP.KEY TUTUNIT & 98 & TUTORIAL.TXT BUGMAP & 92 & BUGLOG & 91 & bug.log ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table 4d. user dependent parameter setting for C pre-processor --------------------------------------------------------------- parameter & end-user & modifier & author ---------------------------------------------------------- ARDOCKLINK & define (*1) & define (*2) & define (*2) MPI & (*3) & (*3) & define (*3) QMPIFH & (*6) & (*6) & (*6) MODIFIER & --- & "MODIFIER" (*4) & "MODIFIER" AUTHOR & --- & --- & define (*5) ----------------------------------------------------------- (*1) The first line of the distributed file is '#define ARDOCKLINK'. End-users should not erase this line. (*2) Those parts marked by \#ifdef ARDOCKLINK --- \#endif are to customize subroutines for ARdock. To reuse those subroutines un-define the parameter ARDOCKLINK. (*3) The second line of the distributed file is 'c\#define MPI'. If user's computer is a MPI-parallel machine, activate this line as a directive by removing first 'c'. Those parts marked by \#ifdef MPI--- \#endif are for parallel computation. (*4) The third line of the distributed file is 'c\#define MODIFIER "MODIFIER"'. Activate this line as a directive for C pre-processor by removing first 'c'. Those parts marked by \#ifdef MODIDIER --- \#endif are parts for modifiers. End-users have nothing to do with those parts. (*5) Those parts marked by \#ifdef AUTHOR --- \#endif are parts for the authors' private version. We are not obliged to give any explanation concerning the parts for 'author'. (*6) Define if your compiler requires [include "mpif.h"] instead of [include (mpif.h)]. So far, the test of ARdock is successfully done in environments summarized in the following Table. Table 5. Computation Environments ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware & Operating System & Compiler ------------------------------------------------------------------- HITACHI SR8000 & HI-UX/MPP & FORTRAN90 HP9000V2250 & HP-UX 11.0 & HP Fortran 90 IBM R/6000 SP & AIX Version 4 & AIX XL Fortran SGI Origin 2000/4-DS-I & IRIX Release 6.4 IP27 & FORTRAN90 SPARCstation 5 & Sun OS 4.1.4-JLE 1.1.4 & g77 version0.5.23 --------------------------------------------------------------------